Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Post-Hurricane Report: Jane's Carousel

Hello, friends. I wanted to report that I am indeed safe and well after Hurricane Sandy blew through Manhattan a week ago, leaving disastrous damages to the city in its wake. I am lucky enough to live way uptown on top of a big hill, so flood waters weren't a concern. We never lost power either, unlike many of my friends and coworkers who live below 40th street and dealt with wind damage, power outages, and serious flooding.

But, I am very happy to report that Jane's Carousel (which, like me, is from Youngstown, OH) survived the flood as well, and it is sort of a beautiful hurricane miracle. This carousel, built in 1922, lived in a beloved, local amusement park, Idora Park, that both my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles visited back in Youngstown, OH. It closed the year before I was born, after a fire swept through the park. Jane's Carousel was relocated, eventually, to New York City where it was housed in a glass pavilion in Brooklyn Bridge Park. This photo puts the hurricane into quite an eerily beautiful perspective.

Image by Koseli

Image by Door Sixteen