I recently discovered Hooked on Houses, which you should all be navigating to right this instant. It's a blog, like the name implies, about all things houses...and my particular favorite part is that she talks about homes from movies and television shows and posts pictures like these from Gilmore girls!Now back to the point...she recently posted these photos from the blog Brooklyn Limestone of this fabulous bedroom before and after. Take a look!

{Photos from Hooked on Houses, via Brooklyn Limestone}
I really, really want my bedroom to look like this! It's such a fabulous combination of classic pieces, curvilinear lines and a modern color palette. I am doubly impressed with her treatment of the flatscreen, as it goes virtually unnoticed. Televisions sets are the scourge of a person with good taste who can't quite kick the habit of watching bad reality TV before bed, also known as me. Officially in love.
Thanks - thats sweet of you to mention. Im glad you liked it.