As I may have posted, it's been a busy year. I have completed a thesis, graduated, and am now job searching and moving! My last day in my apartment will be September 9th...the only hitch is that I do not know where I will actually be moving! But a girl can dream, and I have been giving a lot of thought to what my kitchen will look like when I get there. Thanks to a lot of Martha by Macy's products, some of which I have managed to buy before they were discontinued, I have a pretty clear direction.

6-piece Melamine mixing bowl set {blender discontinued}

{recipe card holder discontinued}

Thank goodness I have managed to collect all of the discontinued items. The rest are on my wish list at this point...My mother and I managed to find the blender in the right color at 3:00 in the morning during an existential kitchen crisis. Whew!
This is awesome!, Jenna is awesome!!