This blog is one year old today!
It has been an incredible creative outlet throughout my final year of college, and one I hope to continue working on this for many years to come. In the past 12 months, my life has completely changed. Mostly for the better, but it hasn't always been easy! Here are some things that have happened in the past year that are noteworthy:
1. I graduated from The Ohio State University!
I really never thought this day would come, but I did it!
2. I wrote and illustrated a children's nutrition book!
I did this as part of my senior thesis project for OSU's Department of Design.
3. The Martha Stewart Blue line of KitchenAid Appliances was discontinued...
This almost rocked my world more than #4...Seriously.
4. I ended a nearly 2-year relationship at the end of October
Though breakups are never easy, this one truly changed my life for the better.
5. I saw the grand opening of The New Ohio Union. And I worked there too!
This building, which has been under construction for most of my college days, opened this Spring and is truly magnificent.
6. I lost 40 pounds, and started training for a 1/2 marathon
This was something I always wanted to do, and I finally had the motivation to do it!
7. I attended 8 weddings, and blogged about even more...
Birds do it, bees, do it...and apparently all my friends do it too! Falling in love is the thing to do in your 20's, didn't you know?
8. I traveled to New York City, Atlanta, Phoenix, and probably more!
Vacations are a necessity to keep you sane. I love traveling, even if it's just for a week or even a weekend!
9. I discovered a love of Letterpress, Packaging Design, Party Planning...
Blogging doesn't just mean writing, it also means a lot of reading! I can honestly say browsing the other great blogs every day has helped me discover passions I never knew I had.
10. I got inspiration!
Piggybacking off of #9, gleaning inspiration from blogs and collecting it here has been the key to what helped me grow leaps and bounds as a designer this year. So thank you to those reading, but especially those writing!
This post has been a little bit self-indulgent, but thanks for bearing with me! Knowing it's been a year since I started this lil' ole blog has made me terribly nostalgic.
Thank you very much to those who navigate to this page from time to time to read about what has inspired me, and hopefully inspires you a little bit too! I appreciate you stopping by!
Congratulations...I loved your summary of the year and it sounded so positive and full of growth. I am a newcomer to your site..so I look forward to more and more!
Aww, thanks Annie. Come back soon...to my blog, but mostly to Columbus!