I was shopping for something completely mundane: all-purpose cleaner at Target. I passed the 409, the Clorox, and then suddenly I saw something with a label so pretty that I got excited and a bit panicky!
What if it costs a lot more than 409? Am I only buying this because it will look good in my kitchen? Is this fashion over function: the number one no-no in the design world?
Well, I was delightfully surprised by the answers to these questions! No, it was the same price, if not cheaper than 409. $3.99 to be exact. No, I need all-purpose cleaner anyway, and this one is made from natural ingredients and is better for the environment! And no, this cleaner seemed to be absolute perfection with a delicious lemony fresh scent! SOLD, ladies and gentlemen.
Check it out here and be sure to consider purchasing the hand soap, dish soap, or laundry soap while you're at it. And get a look at these beauties below:

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