I have many fantasies about where I will live and what my life will be like. And in my deepest, and unfortunately most neglected of them, I imagine living in a cottage in the woods.
I really do.

And I think it would be in a cozy little cottage by a creek, where the sunlight only peeks through the thousands of leaves and branches intricately criss-crossed above my roof. In fact, it would look almost exactly like this...all white, filled with books and pretty flourishes, and flower boxes at the windows. So basically, it would be this house featured in the New York Times Home & Garden section.

I want to live here. I want to die here. I want to wade the creek in those red galoshes, and drink pink lemonade on the front porch in the evenings. I just wish it had a kitchen and a bathroom...But you know, those things aren't necessary to human existence or anything...
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