Did you know that a month before school starts at OSU, 400+ crazy hopefuls try out for 225 spots in
this band? Candidates spend countless hours practicing music and sweating it out marching on a turf football field that absorbs heat until you feel like you are standing on the sun. This is one of the few times in life when the words "blood, sweat and tears" are perfectly applicable. I've experienced them all, sometimes in one day. Two, three, and four years ago
today, in fact... Because it's Day 1 of tryouts for TBDBITL: The Best Damn Band in the Land.
The band, about to take off down the field to "Buckeye Battle Cry"
Theresa Fife, Me, Megan Beavers and Clarissa Lawlis: R-Row Rookies in 2006

Good luck to everyone today. Especially R-row vets. And even more especially to the people I was fortunate enough to march alongside during my time in the band: Theresa, Pickles, Gina, Taylor, and Melanie! WB, baby! See you on Gameday.
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